Welcome to my website
Many people have found themselves in the exact place you now find yourself - wondering if they should seek the help of a professional counsellor for personal, marital or family problems. Here are some of their self-reflections:
“Tensions always hover over my relationship with my partner.”
“I want to be a better parent.”
“I do not look forward to going to work anymore.”
“My partner and I keep getting stuck when try to talk about our problems.”
“I want to enjoy being a parent but often do not.”
“I want to feel happiness and gratitude for my life and the people in it, but I cannot get there.”
Since 2004 I have provided counselling services to individuals and couples. My approach is collaborative, insight-oriented, and goal focused. I provide a safe space in which you will be able to talk freely and work through your problems with a professional trained to listen, ask the right questions, and find solutions that work for you.
Individual & couples counselling services are restricted to phone or virtual (online) sessions and limited to individuals or couples residing in Ontario, Canada.
Please contact me at 548-688-7512 or by email to explore without charge your counselling needs and the possibility of working together. I look forward to speaking with you! Dianne
Dianne Hayman MSW RSW
Individual Counselling Services
Through a safe and supportive discussion of your presenting problems we will find practical solutions that will work for you. If you are experiencing any of the following feelings and challenges, please contact me about my individual counselling services.
“I feel anxious or sad.”
“Relationship difficulties leave me feeling
upset and doubting myself.”
“I feel overwhelmed.”
“I am constantly stressed.”
“I am experiencing the heartache of loss.”
“I put the needs of others ahead of my own.
“I am going through a major transition and
feel lost.”
“I am troubled by childhood memories.”
“I need to feel better about myself.”
“School has proven to be very stressful.”
Dianne Hayman MSW RSW
Couples Counselling Services
When a couple is struggling they often find it impossible to understand each other's point of view. Arguments are frequent and unproductive or a cold distance defines the relationship. What was once a source of joy and comfort now feels painful, distressing and at times even hopeless. Couples counselling helps by creating a framework for communication and understanding. While each couple's challenges are unique, it is often the case that they need to learn to genuinely listen to each other's thoughts and feelings. They may need help in learning how to talk to each other in clear, straightforward, and constructive ways so that discussions stay productive and on track. As each couple's framework of understanding is strengthened, and more effective communication put in place, problems can be properly understood and addressed.
Challenges that have led couples to seek professional couples counselling:
“We don't communicate.”
“Trust has been broken.”
“We need to rekindle our friendship.”
“Outside stressors have damaged our
“We love being parents, but we have lost
touch with each other.”
“We love each other, but we are now
doubting if our love will prevail against our
blended family challenges.”
“We are under too much pressure from
extended family members.”
I have over 15 years of clinical experience working with couples. I continue to extend my knowledge and clinical capabilities through ongoing professional training, including the completion of Level II training in the Gottman Method Couples Therapy.
Dianne Hayman MSW RSW
Phone and Online (Virtual) Counselling Services
Individual & couples counselling services are restricted to phone and online (virtual) sessions.
The platform I utilize for online (virtual) counselling is called NousTalk. This platform does not require you to download any programs or apps. NousTalk offers a secure end-to-end encrypted transmission that is PHIPA and PIPEDA compliant, meaning compliant with the privacy laws governing the protection of Health Information in Ontario and Canada.
If it is your preference to speak by phone, or if you live in an area with slower internet service, conducting counselling sessions by phone is a viable and proven option.
Dianne Hayman MSW RSW
The Decision to Invest in Yourself and Those You Love
The fee for individual counselling is $130/hr. Sessions are typically 60 minutes in length.
The fee for couple counselling sessions is $160/hr. Sessions range between 60-90 minutes in length depending on the couple's needs and preferences.
Please note, there is no HST on social work services in Ontario.
Extended Health Benefits may cover all or part of my counselling services. Please check with your employer and insurance provider to see if you have coverage for services provided by a Masters Level Registered Social Worker (MSW RSW).
Dianne Hayman MSW RSW
Office Hours, Professional Credentials
Counselling provided by phone or online (virtual) only.
Office Hours
Monday to Friday 9 am to 9 pm
Saturdays 9 am to 12 noon
Registered Member, Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers
Master of Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University
Ontario Association of Social Work
Canadian Association of Social Work
Dianne Hayman MSW RSW
Contact Dianne Today
Call or email today to set up a time to discuss without charge your counselling needs and to explore the possibility of working together. I look forward to hearing from you.